Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To Republicans Pissed Off By Obama's Prime Time Ad

Fellow Republicans,
If you are like me, you saw an extended prime time television extravaganza chock full of families, kids of many races, and carefully selected speech montages.  You saw bold statements about creating jobs, cutting government spending, and the word "hope" used more than once.  You heard frightening statistics about rising unemployment, the price of milk, and how our world credibility required immediate repair.  There were tacit promises made by images of wheat fields, ordinary citizens waving flags, and various other icons of the American Dream. 
If you are like me, you remember these television advertisements as part of Ronald Reagan's 1980 and 1984 election campaigns.  Highly successful election campaigns by any measure.  Landslide election campaigns. 
There is much to dislike and disagree with regarding Obama's policies, but let's try not to be dicks; tonight's prime time campaign advertisement was first rate, and you know it.  

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